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Voting rights challanged for people with disabilities.



Vote (Photo credit: Vaguely Artistic)

Voting Rights For People With Disabilities Questioned


By August 1, 2012 Text Size  A  A


With the presidential campaign season heading into high gear, concerns are being raised about whether all people with disabilities should have the right to vote.


In Minnesota, a fight is brewing in court and in the state legislature. At issue is whether or not adults who are under the care of guardians — including many with disabilities — should be eligible to vote.


Currently, such individuals are able to cast ballots unless a judge has determined otherwise. But in a lawsuit making its way through federal court a group is arguing that the state’s constitution does not extend the right to vote to those with guardians.


Meanwhile a proposal in the Minnesota legislature would require a judge to assess voting eligibility for people with guardians. Like those behind the lawsuit, the bill’s sponsor — who has guardianship over her own sister with a disability — said she wants to ensure that no one is being taken advantage of, citing cases where people with disabilities have allegedly been influenced by caretakers at the polls.


Disability advocates, however, are largely opposed to the proposed restrictions arguing that cases of abuse are rare and don’t justify sweeping changes, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. To read more click here


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Freedome to speak taken away.

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Airline iPad Policy Sparks Disability Dispute

By August 16, 2012 Text Size  A  A

American Airlines is taking heat for requiring a teen who is nonverbal to stow the iPad she relies on to communicate during a recent flight.

Carly Fleischmann, a 17-year-old with autism from Toronto, lambasted American Airlines on her Facebook page earlier this week for limiting access to the iPad she uses to speak.

On her way home from Los Angeles last Friday, Fleischmann said that a flight attendant told her to put away the tablet for takeoff and landing and was unwilling to bend even after Fleischmann’s aide explained that it was a communication device.

“She stated to me that it was the policy of the airlines that I couldn’t have my iPad and that with all her years of flying that she’s never seen or heard anybody using an iPad to communicate before,” wrote Fleischmann, who said that her communication needs have always been accommodated by the crew on previous flights.

“My iPad to me is like a voice. Can you imagine being on the airplane and (being) asked not to talk for over 25 minutes,” she wrote, adding that she was ultimately allowed to keep her iPad out after the captain of the plane intervened but the device had to be placed “in front of my seat out of my reach.”

Fleischmann, whose intellectual capabilities went unknown until age 11 when she began to type, is well-known with her story having been featured on ABC News, CNN and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” among others. She has a strong social media presence with over 42,000 fans on Facebook and some 26,000 Twitter followers and they were quick to respond, flooding American Airlines’ Facebook page to demand answers.

Airline officials responded directly to many of the postings indicating that they have reached out to Fleischmann privately, but that the flight attendant acted in compliance with the airline’s policy and federal rules.

“Our flight attendants are responsible for following U.S. Department of Transportation regulations on the accommodation of customers with disabilities,” airline spokesman Ed Martelle said in a statement to Disability Scoop. “American’s electronic device policy is designed to be in full compliance with the DOT. Likewise, federal safety rules require the stowage of personal items during takeoff and landing and prohibit the use of electronic devices at the same periods. We regret any discomfort Carly felt or difficulty this may cause customers.”

Federal rules and American Airlines’ policy on the use of electronics make exceptions for certain medical devices including hearing aids and pacemakers but do not specifically mention assistive and augmentative communication devices.

Late Wednesday, Fleischmann said she was working to get a meeting with representatives of American Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration to discuss the matter.

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Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Romney Pick Shifts Election Focus To Disability Issues




August 14, 2012


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Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s decision to tap Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as his running mate is bringing debate about Medicaid and other disability programs to the forefront.


As chair of the U.S. House of Representatives’ budget committee, Ryan has made a name for himself by proposing sweeping changes to government entitlement programs and broad spending reductions, drawing the ire of many disability advocacy organizations.


While most groups are classified as nonprofits meaning that they are not allowed to come out for or against political candidates under federal rules, disability advocates have consistently lined up against many of Ryan’s policy positions.


“For each of the two years that Paul Ryan has been chair of the House budget committee, he’s produced budgets that we’ve opposed,” said Katy Neas, senior vice president for government relations at Easter Seals. “The pick of Paul Ryan gives people another opportunity to look at the policies that he and the other candidates have proposed.”


In particular, a Ryan proposal to dramatically cut spending on Medicaid while shifting control of the program to the states through so-called block grants hits close to home, advocates say. Last year more than 90 organizations banded together for a Capitol Hill rally to oppose cuts to the program which offers everything from long-term care to medical insurance for many with disabilities.


“Any deficit reduction plan that finds money on the backs of people who use Medicaid for their lives is unacceptable,” said Lara Schwartz of the American Association of People with Disabilities, noting that the eight million Americans with disabilities who receive Medicaid services are “already living at the margins.”


Beyond Medicaid, disability advocates said Ryan’s proposals to reduce domestic discretionary spending could disproportionately affect people with disabilities through cuts to programs ranging from special education to job training and transportation.


Schwartz said her group would be watching the presidential campaign closely to find out to what extent the Romney camp will embrace Ryan’s ideas, which Democrats have strongly rejected.


Since Romney announced his vice presidential pick, a campaign spokeswoman told Politico that Romney would not be bound to Ryan’s budget proposals but did not offer further details.


In response to a questionnaire from AAPD and other groups, President Barack Obama’s campaign said that he has opposed “efforts to block grant the (Medicaid) program, enact steep spending cuts and erode or take away coverage for tens of millions of Americans with disabilities.”


Romney’s campaign has not yet offered any responses to a similar inquiry, Schwartz said.


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Summary of results of the 1996, 2000, 2004, an...

Summary of results of the 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 presidential elections: States carried by the Republican in all four elections States carried by the Republican in three of the four elections States carried by each party twice in the four elections States carried by the Democrat in three of the four elections States carried by the Democrat in all four elections (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Gees.  How insane are elections Both sides claim it’s like there side right and the other side is all wrong.  Who loses or gains when one hears stuff like this. This is the stuff I get so tired of. Each side needs to show there own vulnerability Which we will never see. I feel if we saw each side vulnerability’s differences then and only then can we connect and have the courage to do what is fair and right. Come on people make it happend. It takes two

The power of vulnerability

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Another grate talk from TED. Leaning into ones discomfort Willing to do something that may or may not work out. Willing to feel the pain before eating the peanut butter is all part of feeling better within ourselves.

We are so numb anymore because we as a whole don’t want to feel pain So we either use drugs, blame others, or go into debt just to name a few issues in order to numb the pain.

What people don’t see is that vulnerability shame and fear are good things. That’s it ok to feel those things. We just have to be bold enough to say( I am enough), and be more authentic with people and step out of that numbing zone and feel more. and when your able to do that it brings more courage, compassion and connection into your life. You are worthy………… Make it happend



I really believe this to be true. Everyday I know myself I go outside and just stroll around my own neighborhood in my wheelchair. As I have stated in my past blog post’s,  going outside in nature just grounds me. Things become less intense in my life.


Peace and God’s light.


Kathy 🙂

I really believe this to be true. Everyday I know myself I go outside and just stroll around my own neighborhood in my wheelchair. As I have stated in my past blog post’s,  going outside in nature just grounds me. … Continue reading

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Disabled seniors who use wheelchairs can sometimes feel stigmatized. To the outsider, a wheelchair can signal vulnerability


Wheelchair symbol big

Wheelchair symbol big (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Disabled seniors who use wheelchairs can sometimes feel stigmatized. To the outsider, a wheelchair can signal vulnerability. But the elderly in wheelchairs often feel just as strong and capable as anyone else. Never forget that your wheelchair doesn’t define who you are. In fact, the disabled elderly can use their wheelchairs to reflect their unique personalities.


Celebrate National Wheelchair Beautification Month, and decorate your wheelchair to reflect a little bit of your personality. Read these tips for inspiration on adding some fun to your wheelchair:


  1. Attach a plastic flower vase to the side of your wheelchair. Place your favorite silk flower inside, or fill with fresh flowers that reflect the seasons.
  2. Bumper stickers are a fun, affordable way to express your personality on your wheelchair. Find stickers and decals that say something about you, or create your own at websites like Zazzle.
  3. Colorful wheelchair parts are now available in a rainbow of hues. Bright tires or upholstery can add a little fun to your wheelchair.
  4. Add flags or streamers to your handles. They’re not just fun on kids’ bikes!
  5. Visit the craft store for embellishments that you can use to dress up your wheelchair. Fun feather boas, stick-on rhinestones, and flowers with wire stems can be attached to your handles, seat, or spokes.
  6. Check out custom spoke guards. These plastic guards attach to your spokes, keeping your fingers safe. They can also be used to add a little flair! Spoke guards are available online in a variety of colors and patterns. You can even customize them with photos of your favorite flower, place, or pet!
  7. Embrace the seasons and holidays! Add a jaunty American flag to your chair for the Fourth of July, or wrap Christmas lights around your handlebars during the holiday season.
  8. If you’re looking for a bold statement, try placing LED lights on the underside of your chair. Auto stores sell LED lights in a variety of colors. You can attach them with glue, and operate them by remote. You’ll make a statement when you’re out on the town at night!


Nobody chooses to be in a wheelchair, but a little decorating of a disabled senior’s wheelchair can help turn it into a terrific conversation starter and help everyone focus on the positive. Happy beautifying!




The Paralympics

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The Paralympics


These are the faces of some of the 227-athletes who will represent Team USA at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Click “like” to send well-wishes to the 2012 U.S. Paralympic Team. Roster: